After being in the same place for over two years, I feel like a change is really needed, and a more mature job will be good for me. As much as I love (most) of the people at Cold Stone, I think I need to move on. Hopefully someone shows some interest in my application and I hear back.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I've been getting fed up with my job lately. I feel like I do a lot of work there, for just a little bit of pay. So I've filled out applications and turned them in. I've applied to Uno's, Buffalo Wild Wings, For Love 21, Forever 21, and Charlotte Rouse. I think I have the best possibility at Uno's, due to the response of the General Manager when I came in.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
I know how to make an impression.
I ended up going to the show tonight, it was kind of ridiculous.
So, Erin and I had some odd luck. Erin's was completely bad. Tonight we were sitting on a bench at Gil's and her phone fell out of her pocket. We went to sit in the booth and not even five minutes later she realized she dropped it, we went over and someone had stolen it. We searched for whoever had it with no luck.
My luck.... I guess it was bad too. Funny even. Erin and I were sitting on that bench talking when a guy comes up to me and asks if I could scoot over so he could sit next to me. I do, and we were all talking. Then his friend comes over. They ask me who I came to see tonight. I said Vice Grip. They then asked who else, and I said Pushing On. Then they asked me who thats not local. My answer, "Energy's pretty good, not the Mongoloids, I think they suck."
Ironically, I was talking to the vocalist from the Mongoloids.
And if that wasn't enough, he decided to call me out during their set. I thought it was funny. I must admit though, for his vocals bugging me, they put on a really, really good show. I was impressed.
The show also had its share of fights after that, what now seems to be the norm for shows. Besides Erin losing her phone and she and I being called out the night was pretty good. I'm happy she asked me to go with her.
"Everyone needs to just chill out and listen to H2O"
p.s. hurry up kids, edge break soon. It was only for fun, for a little while. Right?
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
I don't really wanna go out, but I don't really wanna stay in.

I wanna do something, but I don't wanna get up.
I'll just draw.
I used to draw ALL THE TIME when I was younger. My sketch book has a few of my favourite pictures I've ever drawn. But the time where I drew the most the last couple of years was when I went to Greece, and since then, I haven't really drawn a lot.
But of course I have to be vain. My most recent drawings (the ones that don't look like complete crap) are the ones of myself. Myself from my childhood. The picture I'm currently sketching is one of me and Thomas, right after I got him. This was over 10 years ago. Around October of '98. The other, which I don't have a picture of right now, is from some where around '94-'98.
The point of the story is that if I be lazy enough, after a while I'll get my skill back. Even just for one picture.
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