Its my first weekend home in two weeks or so and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Last night I hung out witha friend and it was like I never left. Today it was Georgina's Birthday. I know at least 1/4 of my readers (and by that I mean one of you) have seen the picture of Georgie up now.

Exploiting my sister for teh lolz is horrible, I know but I just couldn't resist. I bought the shirt at Rumours about a two weeks ago and thought it was a sweet find. When I put it on I realized it was an awkward fit and that "holy shit, this is so small, it could fit George." And from then on I planned on taking this picture.
We went to Disney on Ice for her Birthday which was really quite cool. I took my camera and lemme tell you.... I AM A N00B. I have some great shots but so much blur happened.
And to top this weekend off I hung out with an amazing person and took pictures of Norfolk. I had a great night and feel really good right now.