Saturday, September 26, 2009

Weekend Home

Its my first weekend home in two weeks or so and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Last night I hung out witha friend and it was like I never left. Today it was Georgina's Birthday. I know at least 1/4 of my readers (and by that I mean one of you) have seen the picture of Georgie up now.

Exploiting my sister for teh lolz is horrible, I know but I just couldn't resist. I bought the shirt at Rumours about a two weeks ago and thought it was a sweet find. When I put it on I realized it was an awkward fit and that "holy shit, this is so small, it could fit George." And from then on I planned on taking this picture.
We went to Disney on Ice for her Birthday which was really quite cool. I took my camera and lemme tell you.... I AM A N00B. I have some great shots but so much blur happened.

And to top this weekend off I hung out with an amazing person and took pictures of Norfolk. I had a great night and feel really good right now.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Draft found.

I took pictures today. Richmond weather is throwing me back and forth. I don't know wether to wear jeans and prepare for rain or wear shorts and sweat like crazy. But since today was the latter, I decided to take advantage of the pretty city I now reside.
These ones were my favourite. I really love messing with the focus of pictures. Finding the glass outside was just lucky.

I found this draft that I forgot to post a few days ago. Here it is and some of the pictures I took that day.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I ended up going to the Down to Nothing show after debating for hours about going or not. I'm so happy I went. My roommate, who has never really gone to a hardcore show before, went with me, and I'm really happy she had a good time. She was shocked by all the people mashin it up.

Probably the most outrageous thing to happen of the night was the strip show, which I think will go down as one of the funniest most amazing things I've ever seen at a show. Some guy with Get Real (not in, just with) was trying to kill time before the vocalist got back or something. Something of the sort. So he tells them to put on sexy music and he'll do a strip tease. So they put it on and he starts dancing and taking off his shirt and then his pants. I thought he would stop after then but no, he kept on going. He took off his boxers, threw them in the crowd and continued dancing. He even did some front flips and stuff. People from the balcony and around the stage started throwing money at him. I have never seen and probably will never see anything like that at a show ever again.

Anyways, tonight was good. I'm happy I stayed in Richmond this weekend, and happy I went to the show.

Though I do realize that I love everyone from VB and shows in VB just as much if not more than Richmond. All the people I knew from Richmond didn't really talk to me. I got a wave from someone and that was it. It sucks that I can't broaden but being here the last couple of weeks has made me realize that I belong in VB and I love the people so much there.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

VCU is doing something in honor of The National Suicide Prevention Week (which is this week, the sixth through the twelve) and I missed it. I hate that they didn't notify until this morning. If I had read that email yesterday, I would've definitely made it.

JT's mom responded to me in regard to my dream (blogged about several posts ago). She said that she believed it was JT's destiny, just as my mom had told me. Even hearing it from his own mother, I refuse to believe it. He was an amazing, kind and happy person. There's no way the destiny of such a great person was to leave us all before he even got to experience life.

I see pictures and miss him. I still think about him every day, and the effect he's made on everyone. I just don't want him to go.

It'll be one year on October third. I don't know how I'll react on that day.

Friday, September 4, 2009

I think the flashiness of a new city is starting to wear off on me already. I like it here, I do, but it's not exactly what I thought it would be. One thing I was stoked about was possibly meeting more kids that are edge and who take it seriously like I do, but I've been to more "parties" than I've hung out with edge kids.

A few days ago I read an interview with Pat Flynn. It was a really good interview that I just wanted to share. It helped me gain even more respect for him. I was obviously bummed about the break up just like any other fan but the interview brought contentment with it. I'm just stoked about the 7" that I didn't know about.

Also, listening to him talk about straight edge made me proud to feel very similar. Obviously, not exactly the same for reasoning. Every person has their reasons. But I feel happy that some people take it seriously.