Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I had a big day today.

It all sounds like normal things. But different today. I took a history test today. I finally took a test where I didn't feel completely unprepared and unknowledgeable. It felt so good. It motivated me. I hope I can keep it up and hopefully improve my attention skills. Its kind of annoying that I cannot keep my mind concentrated on school things.

Hanging out was an event. It started out as a Best Friend Day with me and Danielle. Then me, Danielle, Ryan and Meighan. Then Danielle couldn't make it. It was kind of annoying the way things went down. It hasn't been the three of us having fun together in so long. I love them both more than anything, but its so disheartening that we can't even get together like we used to. Last time I hung out with Ryan, it was back in like, late January or early February, judging by the time frame of me getting my tattoo. Last time I hung out with Danielle I was trying to stop her and Claudia from fighting. I just miss being close to people. Its never that way anymore.

Getting emotional is not a thing I do lately, or so I think, and somehow I was caught twice. I usually try to keep pretty mellow and placid. But oddly enough, a t.v. show got me riled up. What Would You Do? is the title and its a hidden camera show where actors do weird, criminal, and/or outrageous things just to see what people would do or how they would react. It gives me little hope for people. There are very few people in the scenes that act in a logical and sensible way. Maybe its staged and I was getting upset for nothing, but I still find myself losing hope in people over a show.

The other thing that got me was going to the SPCA today. I want a cat so badly. Being there and seeing loving, friendly and cute cats in cages made me upset. I hate my parents for not letting me give one a home. I don't mean to replace Thomas or to fill a void, but I could give an animal love and a home and not just let them rot away in cages at the SPCA. I suppose I do have quite a big soft spot for animals, cats even more, but I don't think I'm being too irrational.

Finally, thought up a tattoo idea. This might sound dumb to me in the morning but right now I love the idea. I want to get a gardenia to start. Then, around it, I want other Greek themed things. Being Greek is a part of me, it always has been. And Gardenias are my favourite flowers, the smell is intoxicating and brings memories to the forefront of my mind. Just one deep inhale and I imagine myself walking in the streets of Greece around my Yia-yia's home. And as said, being Greek is a big part of me. I'm ashamed to say that I don't speak Greek very well, but it still means a lot to me. I love the country and my background. And I think this is something my mom will be proud of, which is a nice bonus.

So many thoughts.

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