Thursday, June 25, 2009

So its been a complicated week or so.

I've been working a lot lately, though recently I have taken several days off for myself. Last Sunday I started working then consecutively worked 6 days. One of which was a ten hour shift. It was horrible and I never want to do it again, but I am excited to see my paycheck this upcoming week. I need money for the tattoo I want and for general saving purposes.

I took some days off to go to Richmond to hang out with some people. Erin and I tried to go on Monday I think it was but once we got there Erin wasn't feeling well so we went home. I was bummed but I didn't want her to feel badly. We made plans to go today and yesterday but Erin's sister had her appendix taken out yesterday and today I just don't think its happening. Which bums me out but whatever.

I'm in one of those moods where I really, really want to get into VCU. I think its the want of something new, which is rare for me. I'm very much against change, usually. So when I get in these moods of wanting VCU and Richmond I feel very weird. I think its just that I've done everything in Virginia Beach. I've met all the people I consider worth meeting, and then some I would rather not have met. I've done all of the things that could possibly be fun a million times over. I'm just so bored of this city and would like to have fun in another setting, hopefully with more people like myself. I know thats a hard thing to find, someone like myself. But I'm willing to look. 

Also, I highly recommend going putt putt golfing. Just don't talk a lot of shit before you go, then get beat miserably like I did.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

u spek greek?

So recently I've decided that I am horrible at being Greek.

The other night, my mom, sister and I were hanging out in my mom's room. My mom was saying things in Greek and I was responding to her questions (in English) and my sister was like, "uh wut?" It kinda made me proud to be able to understand her, but disappointed that I couldn't speak the language myself.

Which brought me to the conclusion that I must become better at this. I've decided to take classes or something, or learn on my own. I want to get those Rosetta Stone things, but I hear they're expensive and I really need to start being stingy with my money. So maybe my mom will teach me, or maybe I'll dish out mad dough. But either way, I'll be more in touch with my heritage. And another perk, my yia-yia will be so excited to hear me speak to her in Greek. Thats something I'm excited for. 

Saturday, June 6, 2009

When I was younger, I thought death wasn't a big deal. I had lost my Papu and Great Grandma, and it had no affect on my life. I didn't think anything of it. I saw how my mom cried over her dad, and I felt bad, but only because my mom was crying and because my mom was sad.

But then JT died. It happened back in October and still hurts so much. I had a dream last night about him. I was at a school with JT and the classroom kept changing but we were always together. I tried to stop and talk to him about not doing this, I tried to save him. But every time I went to talk to him, something would happen. I got so close so many times. And then, in the dream, I got kicked out of school. I waited at his house (which isn't his house in real life) for him to come home. Then his brother (that he doesn't really have) came home and I asked him to find JT for me so I could talk to him. That it was an emergency. But he just ignored me. I finally broke down and cried. And I woke up, and began crying. Just to dream about him, to have him there in front of me (even if it wasn't really real) hurt so badly, and was such a tease for the real thing, the amazing boy I once knew. I just wanted to stop him from doing this. I constantly wonder why. He doesn't leave my mind for more than a few hours at a time. And even if I'm not thinking about him at that moment, he's lingering in the back of my mind, waiting to pop up. To either make me laugh at the jokes or to mourn the loss.

I was crying so hard that my mom came in my room to comfort me. She tried to say that my dream was my mind saying that it meant this was his destiny, that nothing I could've done would've saved him. I can't believe that to be true. It isn't true.

Suicide is probably the most painful way to lose someone. He did this to himself, he could've been stopped. Something in his life made him feel that this was necessary. And being a part of his life, you feel like it was your responsibility to help him see that he was the most amazing person any of us have ever known. I know I would've done anything to save him, and the same goes for everyone he knew.

Every so often I get in this funk where he's all I think about, and I can't help but cry and wish I could save him. Its such a shame that all these horrible people live in this world, but someone who was so nice to everyone he knew had to leave. I sometimes wish I could talk to him and tell him he's loved, but I can't. Its so hard to keep these things contained, I suppose thats why I'm writing about him now. Just to let it all out.

April 4, 1991 - October 3, 2008.